Sheena McFarland is an experienced writer, storyteller and brander.

Full-time, she is responsible for managing the Marketing + Communication team at the University of Utah David Eccles School of Business. She continues to generate content for the school’s blog, magazine, and other channels, telling the stories of students, faculty, and staff through traditional and new media. Sheena also crafted shareable social media content for several companies through her work with Social5.

Other work has included full re-writes of websites, generating white papers, and helping individuals and companies tell their stories to their customers and clients. Previously, Sheena worked on a full re-branding of Graduation Alliance, an online dropout recovery service.

For the decade prior to joining the university, Sheena was a reporter and editor at The Salt Lake Tribune, covering topics ranging from education to government to astronomy.

Sheena graduated from the University of Utah with a doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy, a Master’s in Public Administration, a Communication degree and minors in French and biology teaching. Sheena enjoys stargazing, cooking, and spending time with her family. She is a rabid Real Salt Lake fan.