How 6 local restaurateurs are shaping Salt Lake dining scene

Salt Lake City's restaurant scene is thriving, and many of the restaurants that have opened recently are run by a handful of familiar faces.

These restaurant owners and co-owners started small with one unique eatery that prospered. That success prompted the opening of more dining ventures despite the risks all new restaurants face.

Sunnyvale Farmers Market gives refugees in Utah a taste of home

The joy on Vumilia Evangeline's face was evident.

The Burundi refugee held a plastic grocery sack filled with butter beans, the ingredient needed to make her favorite stew.

"This feels wonderful. It feels like I'm home," she said, adding she hasn't been able to find the vegetable in the United States. She was thrilled at the thought of cooking a dish she hadn't made since she left a refugee camp in Tanzania eight years ago.

Wife, daughter hope Utah dad doesn't leave them for Mars

Farmington • In sickness and in health, in good times and bad, until Mars do us part.

They weren't exactly the marriage vows Becky Sullivan agreed to, but it's increasingly looking like a reality.

Her husband of 5 years, Ken Sullivan, has made the cut from more than 200,000 applicants to 1,058 for a one-way trip to settle the Red Planet as part of the Mars One project.

A meal in a jar makes a perfect Utah summer-concert companion

The busy outdoor concert season is upon us, and finding new and easy meals to take along can be a challenge.

But a fun craze that has overtaken Pinterest pages across the country can provide quick, healthy options on the go: meals in a jar.

"You can bring this up to Red Butte or wherever you're going, and the lid goes back on, so all that ooey gooey mess is contained until you can get home to wash it out," said Amy Christensen, chef instructor at Salt Lake Culinary Center.

Utah man builds largest amateur telescope on record

Herriman • Mike Clements has taken a lifelong passion and turned it into a record-setting astronomical achievement.

The long-haul trucker from West Jordan has single-handedly built a 70-inch telescope — the largest one on record to be crafted by an amateur astronomer.

World Cup primer: Getting to know soccer — the beautiful game

Here are the answers to some basic questions newbies have about soccer.

How many people are on a team?

Each team was allowed to bring 23 players. Each game is played with 11 men, and each team gets three substitutions throughout a game.

A child on life support: Let him linger or let him go

Gerri Osman slipped into her son's bed, cradling him into her arms.

It was something she hadn't done for a long while.

Sixteen-year-old Sebastian didn't respond — not even with the embarrassed "Oh, Mom" his mother wanted to hear.

Sebastian was a rambunctious teen, more often on his longboard than not. Now, he lay between life and death. He was breathing, but not on his own.

Taser shocks on mentally ill and intoxicated debated

A friendly poker game is interrupted by a phone call, answered by a drunken player who doesn't like what he hears.

The man loses the next hand, then his temper.

When Salt Lake City police arrive at the apartment three minutes later, they find his trail of shattered glass and kicked-in doors. The man is punching a wall and tells officers he wants to "kick their asses." They pull out their Tasers. The first shot misses, but the next two send 50,000 volts through his body -- incapacitating him long enough for officers to handcuff him.